Saturday, April 12, 2008

One week after installation: xray!

So it's been one week since I received my magnetic implant. Healing has progressed rapidly, and by next week I expect the surface skin to be healed completely. A good friend of mine who happens to be an xray technician hooked me up with some cool images of my finger!

These are top down views, so it's as if you are looking through the back of my hand. The middle image is with my finger rotated 45 degrees and far right image was rotated 90 degrees. Cool! Here are some closeup shots:

This is the top down view of my right ring finger. The tiny 3mm magnet shows up quite well. You can see the faint outline of a small bandage on the outside of my finger. Here is the side view:

Hopefully soon I will be able to feel magnetic fields!

1 comment:

Neba Nebet said...

That's really exciting that it works!